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Symptom Triggers in Autism: Part 1

Parents are often baffled by the onset of symptoms in children on the autistic spectrum, they can come and go suddenly and inexplicably, and in other cases remain intractable and resistant to the treatments that have helped ease or resolve this symptom pattern for other children.

This perfectly encapsulates the puzzle of autism. That a similar set of symptoms may have a completely different set of causes and triggers. Treating them as the same syndrome or as if they were caused unilaterally by the same thing is to misunderstand one of the fundamental challenges we are faced with in trying to put together effective treatment for these children, that many different health challenges and factors are at work, with only a behavioural phenotype to truly unite them.

This is partly why the combined use of homeopathy, nutrition and bio-resonance screening (as well as other modalities and approaches where needed) is so useful.

  1. In homeopathic treatment you don’t need to know the exact cause or trigger, you only need the specific symptom picture to a specific curative remedy. This you can gain by observation, close communication with the parents or carers and experience to know which symptoms and expressions of symptoms are most important to go on. What is fascinating is that often the matching remedy will guide us or inform us as to possible underlying triggers, but we get there by truly observing the child or person, how they are affected and how they uniquely express these symptoms. This unique level of individualisation can often achieve a depth of healing action that is difficult to be matched in other healing approaches. For example, the remedy Lycopodium (club moss) is one that comes up time and again as a potential remedy in ASD cases, and when we look into the bio-composition of Lycopodium the plant, we see that it is high in aluminium, a metal that is known to be a toxic factor for many children on the spectrum.

  2. Nonetheless, it is undeniably helpful to have as much insight and information into factors that affect the individuals health as possible. This helps to inform other layers of treatment and uncover key issues that may help the child’s health and condition if specifically addressed, such as specific heavy metal detoxification protocols and exclusion diets. Autism is a complex and frequently multi-system pathology and it usually needs a multimodality approach. This is where bio-resonance screening can prove invaluable. It is able to test the significance of 100’s and even 1,000’s of different elements against a person quickly and effectively and give us a picture of what pattern of elements, events and challenges are specifically important to this person.

It can also help us to understand what are the factors that are contributing to symptoms to help focus and formulate a treatment approach.

Sometimes this is going to be a factor that is completely unique to this individual and their life story, but research has given us a good idea of issues that can play a role in the development of certain sets of symptoms.

For example, hand-flapping, a common stim in the autism world has been found to be contributed to by

  • Ammonia levels and metabolic dysfunction, esp from excess protein

  • Yeast overgrowth

  • Enzyme deficiency

  • Anxiety - which in turn is contributed by a host of imbalances and factors

  • Low tryptophan levels

I will be running a series of blogs in the next few weeks looking at research indications for the underlying causes to specific symptoms in Autism, such as the above, including spinning, Language development issues, Tantrums, ritualistic behaviour, repetitive behaviour, Attention and focus problems and more.

This is not a definitive list by any means, but it can help to give some indicators or ideas about how to approach certain key issues in ASD children and adults and how we might be able to help them. I haven’t found anywhere where this information is centralised so I hope to provide a useful resource for parents and other practitioners, and to show how screening and other testing work can help us put the pieces of the puzzle in place.

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