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Lyme Disease and the Neurotransmitter Blockade: Acetylcholine Chloride Armageddon

Bio-Resonance Screening is one of the best placed technologies to identify and treat Lyme Disease, even when the infection is long-standing and could not easily or at all be identified by other testing means.

This is especially important in the field of Autism, ADHD and other neurological conditions because Lyme Disease and specifically Borrelia has a direct impact on the brain’s biochemistry and upsets key neurotransmitters that regulate our nervous system as well as our ability to learn and process language.

I have an up close and personal view of the impact of the small but vicous Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria and the havoc it can wreak on a vulnerable system. A close family member who entered into a period of ill health, depression, fatigue and pain which was dismissed as ‘old age and arthritis’ by a number of the medical professionals he consulted, was finally diagnosed by a practitioner using a Bio-Resonance machine. He underwent treatment over several months, but in fact after just 3-4 weeks of homeopathic and Bio-resonance treatment, he was more than 50% back to normal, it was miraculous.

Lyme Disease is notoriously hard for traditional and even the more sophisticated testing methods to confirm. It is very often diagnosed based on symptom picture and by process of elimination. This is a problem, because as I know from the driving seat of Bio-resonance testing, where we can see the influence of Borrelia and its co-infections on the body very clearly, Borrelia, Babesia and Bartonella are extremely wide spread. I see many patients with a variety of symptoms including, fatigue, digestive pain, tics, liver and spleen dysfunction, swollen glands, kidney issues, chronic inflammation, depression, the list goes on and on, who have been searching for a causation for months or even years without finding the answer until we identify Lyme related infections in screening results.

The importance of uncovering Lyme in ASD and ADHD kids increases when we look at the effects of Borrelia on Acetylcholine chloride function in the nervous system.

First a quick summary of why Acetylcholine Chloride is so important to our general health and through the filter of ASD and ADHD.

Acetylcholine Chloride:

  • Vital to processes within the body that require movement, from skeletal muscle or smooth muscle.

  • Vitally important for brain function, playing a key role in memory, learning and cognition.

  • It functions to relay signals from one neuron to another in the central nervous system and from a neuron to a muscle fiber in the peripheral nervous system.

  • Functions to help the nervous system controls skeletal muscles

  • The sympathetic branch uses ACh to relay messages but also uses epinephrine and norepinephrine.

  • The parasympathetic nervous system relies solely on ACh to function properly. The parasympathetic nervous system is important for proper digestion, gut motility, salivary flow, lacrimation (tears) and bladder function.

  • Also vital for Vagus nerve function. A well-functioning vagus nerve is extremely important for all aspects of digestion including stomach acid secretion, pancreatic secretion, bile flow and peristalsis. The vagus nerve also regulates heart rate resulting in a slowed heart rate.

Symptoms of Acetylcholine Deficiency

  • Constipation/gastroparesis

  • Memory problems

  • Difficulty with word recall when speaking

  • Learning difficulties

  • Dry mouth

  • Dry eyes

  • Orthostatic hypotension

  • Low muscle tone

  • Depressed mood

  • Fast heart rate

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Emotional instability

Looking at symptoms of Acetylcholine deficiency, one can see that there are several important intersects with the potential symptom picture of ASD - acetylcholine chloride is also vital for learning ability, information retention and word formation. Some ASD children who are non-verbal or have limited language respond well to specific courses of Acteylcholine in homeopathic dilutions which can stimulate new retention of language and gains in verbal ability.

The direct effect of Lyme bacteria on the nervous system and acetylcholine chloride function is explained brilliantly in an edition of the Townsend letter and the full action of its toxin won’t be looked at in the scope of this article, but it is well worth looking up the Townsend Letter to read more. The action of the toxin released from the Lyme spirochete as well as the bacteria Clostridium botulinum botulinum is to prevent, through its action as a proteolytic enzyme, the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

When confirmed, treating patients with targeted Lyme and nervous system support protocols can make a wonderful impact on symptoms. Lyme disease may be one of the underlying blockades to improvement in ASD and ADHD children and following a treatment, previously intractable symptoms can start to give ground.

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